Cluster and Networks

On this page you can search for cleantech clusters and networks in Northern Sweden or use the filter to find clusters and networks of your interest.

The Network Vindkraft i Norr (Wind power in the North)

Wind power in the north will be the natural gathering place for companies within the wind power industry in northern Sweden. The network has the breadth and depth that makes that companies want to be part of it and take part in its offers. It is the forum where companies gather, exchange experiences and where business opportunities should be in focus. The network must prepare path to new markets, regionally, nationally and internationally. Key words are business benefit, collaboration, innovation.

Wood Fuel Network - Northern Sweden

Powerful investments in the paper and pulp industry, structural changes and business cycles for the sawmills, new biofuel ranges that become relevant with the green transition. These are examples of events that are giving a tree fuel market a change. A changing market creates a need for market players to reach an understanding and consensus on how the new conditions should best be handled. As part of this, a network has been initiated, Trädbränslenätverk - norra Sverige (Wood Fuel Network - Northern Sweden), which addresses the needs and challenges that the industry faces.


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