Innovation Development

Increased innovative capacity for your company! North Sweden Cleantech supports companies operating in northern Sweden to increase their innovative capacity. An important piece of the puzzle is close business guidance where our business advisors contribute with their experiences, skills, and networks.

Who Can Participate?

Our business development support is aimed at small and medium-sized enterprises and startups with new innovations.

How Does It Work?

Companies are offered the opportunity to present their innovation and the challenges they face. A group of business developers will then provide tips and advice on how the company can proceed with its work.

In 15 minutes, the company presents its problems/needs, ideal customer, business model, goals, market, etc. Afterwards, the business developers share their thoughts and suggestions on how the company can move forward with its work.

The meeting is free of charge, takes about an hour, and is conducted digitally. All meeting participants are bound by confidentiality.

This can be a start to potential new networks and business opportunities for your company through collaboration with North Sweden Cleantech.

Does it sound interesting? Do not hesitate to send an application to the contact person in your area! More information is provided upon registration. Selection and admission are ongoing.

Tip: Check the Status of Your Company’s Innovation Capability

Are you aware of how much your organization works with innovation? Do you know what you need to get started or take the next step? Conduct an innovation analysis and in just a few minutes, you will get an overview of where you stand and how you can improve in various areas.

Click here to check the status of your company’s innovation capability!



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