Webinar “Energy & Water Opportunities in LA: Hyperion 2035 Challenges”

22 Jun 17:00 - 18:00

Online (in English)

Join this webinar to understand the challenges from Los Angeles Bureau of Sanitation Hyperion 2035 water reclamation plant.

You will get an understanding from Los Angeles Bureau of Sanitation, that is responsible for operating and maintaining one of the world’s largest wastewater plant collection and treatment systems in Los Angeles, concerning their Hyperion 2035 challenges, technology needs and possibility to collaborating with innovative technology suppliers. After the presentation from Los Angeles, you will have the opportunity to engage in a Q&A, and if relevant to apply to engage in 1:1 meetings with the Los Angeles Bureau of Sanitation.

Attend this webinar if you have a solution for Los Angeles! The Webinar will take place on Tuesday, the 22nf of June, from 5 to 6 PM (CET).

Los Angeles Bureau of Sanitation (LASAN) is the City’s producer of recycled water. LASAN’s four water reclamation plants currently provide recycled water for a range of beneficial uses, including: potable reuse, saltwater intrusion barriers to protect our groundwater aquifers, environmental uses, and urban irrigation for parks, median strips, and athletic fields.

Mayor Garcetti announced the LA’s Green New Deal in 2019. One of the goals is to increase sustainable and environmental-friendly local water supplies. On average 275 million gallons of wastewater enters the Hyperion water reclamation plant on a dry weather day and peak wet weather flow of 800 million gallons. Transforming Los Angeles Hyperion for the City to enjoy a reliable and sustainable source of water 100% water recycling by 2035 is a major challenge and sustainable opportunity.

More information and registration

This webinar is jointly organized by EU Techbridge and eT4S COSME-Cluster Go International projects.


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Visitors shall bear all costs related to the visit including flights, accommodation, all meals, translations etc.

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