
Read about advancements and current events in green technology, clean energy, and sustainable solutions. We publish articles featuring inspiring company profiles, current research, and the latest innovations in the green transition.

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The Umeå based company tackles pollutions

SpinChem from Umeå has nine of the ten biggest pharmaceutical companies in the world as paying customers. On top of that they are one their way to solve the problem with radioactive water from nuclear plants and similar businesses. It is exciting times, to say the least, for SpinChem which have to employ more people to be able to handle the development.
- Our goal is to create benefit for the customers, find cleaner processes and improve the world, says Emil Byström CEO.

Xore from Skellefteå is breaking new ground abroad

Continuously analysing the ore and water mixture - the slurry - in a concentrator plant is important for process control – technology is coming from Skellefteå that is at the global cutting edge. The Xore company has been around for ten years and is beginning to be accepted by a somewhat conservative mining industry, which is discovering new opportunities in their technology.

"During the first half of the year, right in the midst of the corona pandemic, more quotation requests poured in than we have ever had," says Mikael Normark, CEO.

Energy comes from Skellefteå: "We aim to be world leaders"

When it comes to growth and development in the field of renewable energy, the world's eyes are all on the Skellefteå region.

Tens of billions of Swedish kronor are being invested in the region; while the rest of the world is in fear of recession, people here are talking about expansion.

"I'm absolutely convinced we can become the model that shows the world how to meet the challenges of climate, a renewable society and innovative growth," says Joachim Nordin, CEO of Skellefteå Kraft.


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