
Read about advancements and current events in green technology, clean energy, and sustainable solutions. We publish articles featuring inspiring company profiles, current research, and the latest innovations in the green transition.

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Umeå Energi and Skellefteå Kraft Collaborate to Ensure Network Reliability

How do we maintain network reliability during crises? How do we meet society’s increasing demands for digitalization? These are questions that Umeå Energi and Skellefteå Kraft are now seeking to answer together.
“The entire region benefits if more city networks collaborate and exist in the same ecosystem,” explain Mats Berggren, CEO of Umeå Energi Umenet AB, and Anders Pettersson, CEO of Skellefteå Kraft Fibernät AB.

Six Years of Research Paves the Way for Fossil-Free Iron and Steel Production on an Industrial Scale

The HYBRIT initiative now presents the results of six years of research in a final report to the Swedish Energy Agency. The report shows that direct reduced iron produced with the HYBRIT process has advantageous properties compared to iron produced with fossil fuels. HYBRIT has applied for and received several patents based on the successful results, and the project now continues to the next phase where the process will be implemented on an industrial scale.

SpinChem's Technology Pushes Boundaries – Near Major Breakthroughs

For over a decade, the Umeå-based company SpinChem has been tackling some of the world's most complex environmental challenges. With a vision of contributing to a greener planet, the company has steadily developed and refined technologies that deliver results. Now, they are close to major breakthroughs in the nuclear power and pharmaceutical industries.

"Things take time, but we are better off now than ever before, and the work we have put in is starting to pay off," says CEO Emil Byström.

Solar Heat: The Third Wave of Renewable Energy – Absolicon Leads the Way

The International Energy Agency has recently predicted that solar heat will become the third wave in renewable energy. After a decade of rapid growth for wind power and solar panels for electricity, the norhtern Sweden-based company Absolicon is at the forefront of solar heat development. Twenty years ago, founder Joakim Byström began exploring how we could solve heat supply with solar energy. Today, their concentrated solar collectors stand as a solution for some of the world's largest food companies.

Steel Giant Invests in Envigas for Green Transition

Envigas, based in Bureå in Northern Sweden and Outokumpu have come together in an exciting partnership to drive the green transition forward. The Finnish steel giant has ambitious sustainability goals and is investing 9.9 million euros in Envigas, which is at the forefront of biocarbon development.

- When building a new industry from scratch, you need to team up with the right partners, and that's why this feels like an important milestone, says Lars-Gunnar Almryd, CEO of Envigas.

New Project Unlocks New Opportunities for Regional Businesses

Last week, the joyful news was announced that the project "Innovationskraft för grön omställning" (Innovation for Green Transition) was granted funding from the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth. This creates opportunities for small and medium-sized enterprises to receive support in developing their innovation efforts and seizing the business opportunities that come with the green industrial transition. As a result, North Sweden Cleantech welcomes two new collaborative partners.

Smarter Recycling with Caicla

Today it goes without saying to recycle. Companies highlight their green profile; employees demand more sustainable routines and there are also legal requirements to have knowledge of and to manage the waste. Lack of time can be an obstacle for this and Caicla therefore provides a recycling solution, where the companies both receive data on how much they put in the bin, as well as having the bins emptied before they are completely full. A smarter recycling solution, quite simply.

Green Cities Are the Goal for Vertisà

Vegetation contributes to cleaner the air, lowered carbon dioxide levels, increased well-being and security. In growing cities, the horizontal space for vegetation becomes smaller and the only way to increase the greenery in the city is through vertical cultivations. The Umeå-based company, Vertisà, therefore offers vertical gardens for both indoor and outdoor environments, with local fauna that attracts local insects and create a local ecosystem. A win for both the eye and environment.

A Unifying Force for the Green Development of the Future

North Sweden Cleantech has developed to be the unifying force for green development in a dynamic region, it is the climate-smart innovation site of the future. In Västerbotten and Örnsköldsvik there are a multitude of small and medium-sized enterprizes that are at the forefront of climate- and environmentally friendly solutions.

– It feels great that we have taken on the role of the natural catalyst that makes visible and strengthens companies for sustainable growth. It is a market in which we will see continued large investments, says Peter Hedman, project manager for North Sweden Cleantech.

This Is How Sweden Will Lead the Green Transition

More than SEK 1,000 billion will be invested in green industrial establishments in northern Sweden in the coming decades. The total societal transformation will put severe pressure on the Swedish electricity system, which requires innovation, large-scale skills development as well as new collaborations and business models. During the Energy ConFusion conference in Skellefteå, industry experts from all over the country gathered to discuss whether we think big enough about electrification.

Unique recycling in Skellefteå - rubber and plastic get new life

Outside Lövånger, Skellefteå, a completely new green industry is emerging - at Ecorub, material recycling is being taken to a whole new level. Here is Europe's only production for recycled rubber and plastic materials.
- This is recycling for real. We can process waste materials so that it is possible to manufacture new products that are sustainable instead of sending them for incineration, says Isac Andersson, CEO of Ecorub.

Welcome to the launch of the first Business Guide for the Kvarken region

Future Cleantech Solutions is an Interreg Botnia Atlantica project that works with change, innovation and networks within the business community in the Kvarken region. For three years, we have worked in the project together to bring together local small and medium-sized companies with current large investments and establishments in the Kvarken region. This has resulted in a guide to successful cross-border collaboration.

Let's Talk Circular Business!

During the digital event Let’s Talk Circular Business on October 21st, participants from all over Sweden and Finland, and from other countries in the world, got the opportunity to listen and learn more about the journey of four companies transforming their business model into a circular business model. Experts in Circular Economy also shared their knowledge about methodologies, platforms, initiatives and showed cases from both Sweden and Finland as well as international examples.

The crops of the future are here

It all started with a patent from NASA that led to large-scale production of vegetables in a closed environment outside Sundsvall for 20 years. Now the technology has been further refined to become the future cultivation system of forest plants - completely digitally controlled and automated.
- The industry works hard to digitize and here we can ensure that the start of each plant is optimal. The world needs more high-quality trees to be planted from a sustainability perspective, says Johanna Johansson, CEO of Plantvation.

Lighting by Ström wants to create an enlightened industry

The ability to install modern and energy-efficient lighting has changed with new technology. The newly started Umeå company Lighting by Ström wants to improve knowledge about lighting and focus the spotlight on how the industry can change towards a circular economy and sustainability.
- There is a lot to gain here, both for those who own a property and the people who move in the building. Our mission is to show the benefits of taking the help of a lighting designer, says returnee Anna Clara Sandgren.

High Coast Innovation Park, the new international name for Domsjö area

The industrial area in Domsjö in Örnsköldsvik has now been given a new international name, High Coast Innovation Park.

- It creates a lot of value for us entrepreneurs to have a common name and it is important to have an international name while operating on a global arena as we do. It is a great advantage to be part of something bigger, says Björn Vedin, CEO of Domsjö Fabriker, one of the actors in the area.

Good opportunities for Swedish smart grid companies in Germany

There are good opportunities for Swedish smart grid companies that are looking to export to Germany. The biggest possibilities are within e-mobility and charging infrastructure, energy storage and smart grid technology, but also smart cities and smart home products and solutions contributing to the Energiewende are needed. This is the conclusion of a webinar held by the German-Swedish Chamber of Commerce (GSCC) on behalf of Smart City Sweden.

Sekab Invests in the Future

Green, domestic production of fuel is necessary according to Sekab, a company located in Örnsköldsvik in the north of Sweden. Sekab would like to take the lead in the production. A new global collaboration will lead to a commercial facility in Örnsköldsvik with green chemicals, such as softwood as raw material.

- We have the innovations and have been proactive in the technological development. We are now equipped to take the next step, says Monika Normark, CTO at Sekab.

Nordic Eco Solutions on the Way to Revolutionize the Automotive Industry

The transition to electric cars is dominant in the automotive industry and among investors. But innovations around hydrogen are gaining ground, and fast. The Skellefteå based company Nordic Eco Solutions have a cutting-edge technology and is looking for land to build the first factory.

- It sounds cocky, but once the vehicles are delivered, we have made sure that the fuel and the infrastructure are ready. As we see it, electric cars are made to run on hydrogen, says Christian Hagelberg, CEO at Nordic Eco Solutions.

Coeo's hybrid solution has been a success during Corona times

The business idea was sprung from climate anxiety, a lot of experience of distance meetings and over twenty years of digital business development. In 2019, Anders Gunnarsson founded the company Coeo - a hybrid solution which blends together physical and digital meetings. Enter Corona pandemic and he is now the CEO who has done the unusual and removed his phone number from the company website.

- The industry is tossed upside down, we have not been able to take care of all the clients calling us, says Anders.

The Umeå based company tackles pollutions

SpinChem from Umeå has nine of the ten biggest pharmaceutical companies in the world as paying customers. On top of that they are one their way to solve the problem with radioactive water from nuclear plants and similar businesses. It is exciting times, to say the least, for SpinChem which have to employ more people to be able to handle the development.
- Our goal is to create benefit for the customers, find cleaner processes and improve the world, says Emil Byström CEO.

Xore from Skellefteå is breaking new ground abroad

Continuously analysing the ore and water mixture - the slurry - in a concentrator plant is important for process control – technology is coming from Skellefteå that is at the global cutting edge. The Xore company has been around for ten years and is beginning to be accepted by a somewhat conservative mining industry, which is discovering new opportunities in their technology.

"During the first half of the year, right in the midst of the corona pandemic, more quotation requests poured in than we have ever had," says Mikael Normark, CEO.

Energy comes from Skellefteå: "We aim to be world leaders"

When it comes to growth and development in the field of renewable energy, the world's eyes are all on the Skellefteå region.

Tens of billions of Swedish kronor are being invested in the region; while the rest of the world is in fear of recession, people here are talking about expansion.

"I'm absolutely convinced we can become the model that shows the world how to meet the challenges of climate, a renewable society and innovative growth," says Joachim Nordin, CEO of Skellefteå Kraft.

Supporting regional companies in efficient resource management

More and more companies find that sustainability is a business strategic tool that provides competitive advantages. Therefore, North Sweden Cleantech and Esam are now taking the next step to make the region even better in circular business development.

- Esam has very good expertise in this area and together we can support the companies to become more competitive and efficient in their resource utilization, says Peter Hedman, project manager North Sweden Cleantech.

The future's factories

How do you build a sustainable factory prepared for the challenges that the future will bring? What are the megatrends of tomorrow that will shape the factories that we build today? What are the main issues to be confronted and what does the world of manufacturing look like in the coming decades? These are some of the topics that will be presented during the seminar Future Sustainable Factories by some very exciting actors who are taking on the challenge of building the factories of the future!

Swedish wood chipper on its way to Canada

Multi Channel Sweden's innovative wood chipper is on its way to the international market. Nicklas Boström, CEO of the company, travelled, together with several others involved in the Bizmaker Forest Accelerator programme, to Canada this autumn. They participated in the Scandinavian Startup Week, which is a recurring initiative that helps new growth companies to international markets. The goal for Multi Channel Sweden is that all existing traditional disc chippers in the industry will eventually be replaced by Multi Channel Sweden’s Flexchipper™. One part of that work is an information tour in Canada in 2018.

Forest company predicts a revolution in silviculture with new fertilizer from Umeå

Holmen, a Swedish forest company, has successfully been using arginine as a liquid fertilizer in its nurseries for fifteen years and now the organic fertilizer Argrow, from Arevo, is available in solid form too. This enables seedlings to continue being fertilized once they have been planted in the forest. Research results have shown that forest seedlings much prefer arginine to nitrate as a source of nitrogen.

Representatives from Umeå Business services with others travel to denmark for a plunge into circular economy

On Sunday, a number of representatives from Umeå’s Business Services will travel to Copenhagen and Kalundborg for a study trip on circular economy. The schedule is full with study trips, lectures and workshops. Business Development from Cleaner Growth and Cleantech Kvarken will take part in the trip, as well as government researcher of circular economy, Ola Aletrå, and the councillor of Umeå, Margareta Rönngren, amongst others. The trip is organised by ESAM AB, in connection with a feasibility study for the Municipality of Umeå’s Business Services, and the organisers of the Umeå Gala.

BIOCOOLS CEO invited to the UN Office for Project Services

Earlier this week, BioCools CEO, Maria Forssell, was invited to give a presentation to the UN agency, United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) in Stockholm. BioCool SafeWater, developed by BioCool, is a pill that eliminates harmful microorganisms, such as bacteria, viruses and parasites from drinking water. The microorganisms are killed in a safe and environmentally friendly way to mimic the body’s way of defending itself.


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